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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fuzzy Logic

* Understanding Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy logic is an appropriate way to map an input space into an output space, with the methodology of solving problems with thousands of applications stored in the controlling and information processing. Fuzzy Logic provides a simple way to describe certain conclusions from the information ambiguous, vague - vague, or inappropriate. In a sense, fuzzy logic resembles human decision making with the ability to work from the interpreted data and finding the right solution.
Fuzzy logic is basically a much valued logic (multivalued logic) that can define the value of conventional circumstances, such as yes or no, right or wrong, black or white, and so forth. Fuzzy reasoning provides a way to understand the performance of the system by assessing the input and output system from the observations.

* History of Fuzzy Logic

In conventional logic truth value must have a condition that is true or false (true or false), with no conditions in between. This principle was put forward by Aristotle some 2000 years ago as a law of excluded Middle and legal logic has dominated the thinking until recently. But, of course thinking about the conventional logic with a definite truth value that is right or wrong in real life is not perfect. Fuzzy logic (fuzzy logic) is a logic that can represent the situation existing in the real world.
On the set of fuzzy logic theory was first proposed by Prof.. Lofti Zadeh around the year 1965 in a paper entitled "Fuzzy Sets'. He argues that the logic of right and wrong from boolean logic / conventional can not resolve problems in the real world. After that, since the mid-1970s, Japanese researchers have succeeded in applying this theory to practical problems. Unlike Boolean logic, fuzzy logic has a continuous value. Samar expressed in degrees of membership and a degree of truth. Therefore, something can be said to partly right and partly wrong at the same time. Set theory an individual can have a degree of membership with continuous values, not just 0 and 1 (Zadeh, 1965 in Asta, D.,: 2002).
With fuzzy logic set theory, we can represent and handle the problems to no certainty that in this case could mean doubt, inappropriate, inadequate information, and the truth which is partly (Altrock: 1997). In the real world, we often face a problem that information is very difficult to translate into a formula or numbers are accurate because the information is qualitative (can not be measured quantitatively).

* Reason Using Fuzzy Logic

A variety of reasons many people using fuzzy logic:

* The concept of fuzzy logic is easily understood. The underlying mathematical concept of fuzzy reasoning is very simple and easily understood.
* Fuzzy Logic is very flexible.
* Fuzzy Logic has a tolerance of data that is not appropriate.
* Fuzzy logic can model nonlinear functions are very complex.
* Fuzzy Logic can build and apply the experiences of experts directly without having to go through the training process.
* To be working with fuzzy logic techniques in the conventional control.
* Fuzzy logic is based on natural language.
* The set of fuzzy

Fuzzy sets: a group representing a condition under certain circumstances in a fuzzy variable
have two possibilities, namely:

* • One (1), which means that an item becomes a member in a set, or
* • Zero (0), which means that an item does not become a member in a set
* The set of fuzzy has two attributes:

* Linguistics, which is naming a group representing a particular state or condition by using natural language, such as: YOUNG, PAROBAYA, TUA
* Numerical, that is a value (number) that shows the size of a variable such as: 40, 25, 35
* Fuzzy Inference System

Fuzzy Inference System (Fuzzy Inference System / FIS) is also called fuzzy inference engine is a system that can perform reasoning with principles similar to humans do reasoning with her instincts.
There are several types of FIS which is a known Mamdani, Sugeno and Tsukamoto. FIS is the most easily understood, because most suited to the human instinct is the Mamdani FIS. FIS is working based on linguistic rules and has a fuzzy algorithm that provides an approximation to enter mathematical analysis.
Processes in the FIS is shown on the input provided to the FIS is a certain number and the output must also be a certain number. The rules in the language of linguistics can be used as an input that is accurate must be converted first, then perform reasoning based on rules and reasoning to convert these results into output that is accurate.
Our group will discuss the Fuzzy Inference System using Mamdani method.

* Mamdani Method

In this model, fuzzy rules are defined as:
IF x1 is A1 AND ... .. AND xn is An THEN y is B
where: A1, ... .., An, and B are linguistic values (or fuzzy sets) and "x1 is A1" states that the variable x1 is a member of the fuzzy sets A1.
Mamdani method is often known by the name of Max-Min method. This method was introduced by Ebrahim Mamdani in 1975.Untuk get the output required four stages:

* Establishment of fuzzy set

In the Mamdani method, both input and output variables are divided into one or more fuzzy.

* Application of the implication function

In the Mamdani method, the implication function used is the Min.

* Composition rules

Unlike monotonic reasoning, if the system consists of several rules, the inference obtained from the collection and correlation between the rules. There are three methods used in performing fuzzy inference systems, namely:

* Method Max (Maximum)

In this method, the solution fuzzy set is obtained by taking the maximum value of the rule, then use it to modify the fuzzy areas, and applying it to the output by using the OR operator (union). If all propositions have been evaluated, the output will contain a fuzzy set that reflected the contribution of each proposition. Generally it can be written as follows:
msf [xi] = max (msf [xi], mkf [xi]) with:
msf [xi] = membership value of fuzzy solution to the i-th rule
mkf [ix] = value of the consequences of fuzzy membership to the i-th rule

* Additive Method (sum)

In this method, the solution fuzzy set is obtained by means of bounded-sum of all output fuzzy region.
Generally written:
msf [ix] = min (1, msf [xi] + mkf [xi]) with:
msf [xi] = membership value of fuzzy solution to the i-th rule
mkf [ix] = value consequent fuzzy membership to the i-th rule

* Method Probalistik OR (probor)

In this method, the solution fuzzy set is obtained by doing the product of all output fuzzy region. Generally written:
msf [xi] = (msf [xi] + mkf [xi]) - (msf [xi] * mkf [xi]) with:
msf [xi] = membership value of fuzzy solution to the i-th rule
mkf [ix] = value consequent fuzzy membership to the i-th rule

* The assertion (defuzzy)

Input from defuzzy process is a fuzzy set obtained from the composition atuan fuzzy rules, while the output is a fuzzy set of numbers in it. So if given a fuzzy set in a certain range, it must be taken a certain crisp value as output.


The most popular technique is the centroid technique. This method to find center of gravity (COG) of the aggregate set:

Centre of gravity (COG): finding a solution to the point that divides the area into two equal parts
Defuzzy is a mechanism to convert or change the results of the fuzzy output into a coherent output nonfuzzy. Output in the form of fuzzy results can not be directly used. In theory, fuzzy logic, there are several methods used defuzzy, namely:

* Center of Gravity

In this method, the crisp output is obtained by taking a regional center that covered the fuzzy membership function (z ') or can be written with the equation:
Center of gravity method surplus assertion lies in the results an acceptable reason (intutive plausibility), while the drawbacks lies in the intensive computational requirements.

* Center of Average

In this method, the crisp output is obtained by taking a weighted average of the center w of n fuzzy sets. Crisp output can be mathematically defined by:

Assertion method of average or centroid center is the most widely used method in fuzzy systems and fuzzy control. In computing, this method is easier and more sensible.

* Bisector

In this method, the crisp output is obtained by taking the value on the domain which has a fuzzy membership value of half of the total value of membership in the fuzzy area or can be written:

such that (2.21)

* MOM (Mean of Maximum)

In this meode, crisp output is obtained by taking the average value of B domain which has a maximum value kenggotaan. Crisp output can be mathematically defined by:

* LOM (Largest of Maximum)

In this meode, crisp output is obtained by taking the largest value of B domain which has a maximum value kenggotaan. Crisp output can be mathematically defined by:

* SOM (Smallest of Maximum)

In this method, the crisp output is obtained by taking the smallest value of B domain which has a maximum value kenggotaan. Crisp output can be mathematically defined by:

What is a programming language? and Various Kinds of Programming Languages

Programming language is the standard communication techniques to express instructions to the computer. Like human language, every language has certain rules of grammar and writing. Programming language to facilitate a proper programmer specify what data is being done by the computer next, how the data is stored and transmitted, and what will be done if the conditions are varied. Programming languages can be classified into low-level, middle, and high level. The shift from low to high level indicates the proximity of the "human language".

Various Kinds of Programming Languages

Programming Language


1.1 History of Language C

Root of the C language is the language BCPL, developed by "Grandpa" Martin Richar in 1967. This language gives the idea to "Uncle" Ken Thompson, who later developed a language I would call a language B in 1970. The later development of language B is a C language by the "Bang" denies Ricthie around the 1970s at Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. (Now is the AT & T Bell Laboratories). C language was first used in digital computer equipment Corportaion PDP-11 that uses the UNIX operating system.

The popularity of the C language which sold well emang boiled peanuts are rich already, make versions of this language made for a lot of micro computers. To create these versions of the standard, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) to make committee sualtu

(ANSI Committee X3J11) in 1983 which then set the ANSI standard for the language C. This ANSI standard was based from an extended UNIX standard.

ANSI rests set as many as 32 fruits standard key words.

C language is not an OOP (Object Oriented Programming), Stripping Languange, or Visual programming. Klo diibaratin human ama ni C language also has the same shortcomings of weakness .....

2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages


  •  Language C is available to almost all types of computers

C language is a computer language koputer yag available both in the micro as well as in large computer (mainframe computer).

  •  C language code is the portable nature

Application written in C for a particular computer can be used on other computers with only a little modification.

  •  Language C only provides a few keywords.

We have noted that the ANSI standard C language only requires as many as 32 key words and key turbo only provides 39 key words. Let us bandingin with other languages that emang nyediain hundreds of key words. The fewer the keywords used by a language, the easier for the user created equal ngegunain learn the language.

  •  C language program executable process faster

Because the C language philosofi which was just set aside some key words, then the consequences of the results of the program can compile the C language dimasing will own a relatively faster process compared with results from other languages.

  •  Support the library lot

It has been mentioned that the reliability achieved by the C language functions libraries. This library functions provided by the C language versions of each, or can be purchased from other sources. Thousands of C library functions have been available on the market today, ranging from library functions simple to complex, such as it Functions libraries to create an index of the database file using B + tree is used in dBASE.

  •  C is a structured language

C language has a good structure so it is easy to understand. C disubut with language that is structured by using these functions as part of programs. A good structure of the C language will, in addition to easy to learn, and also facilitate in making the program, facilitate the tracking error menghasailkan aka da program a good program documentation.


  • Number of Operators and the flexibility of writing courses are sometimes confusing users.

  • For beginners in general will have difficulty using a pointer

1.3 C Language Application

  •  C language was first used in the Computer Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-11 that uses the UNIX operating system
  •  Language C is also used to compile the Linux operating
  • Many popular programming languages such as PHP and Java using the basic syntax of the language like C.

Example program:

# Include

# Include

void main ()


long int D;

unsign long int Start, B;

clrscr ();

printf ("Enter Integer Value?");

scanf ("% 1d, & D");

printf ("

printf ("Value binaries are:");

start = pow (2, sizeof (D) * 8-1);

for (B = Beginning; B> 0, B = B / 2)

if (D & B) == B) printf ("a");

else printf ("0");

printf ("

printf ("Value =% 1x Heksadesimalnya
", D)


2. C + +

1.1 History

Starting early in 1980, Bjarne Stroustrup of AT & T Bell Laboratories began to develop the language C. In 1985, the new language was officially born product of the development known as C and C + +. Actually C + + language has two stages of evolution. C + + The first, released by AT & T Laboratories, named cfront. C + + version of this ancient form only compiler that translates C + + became the language C.

In subsequent evolution, Borland International Inc.. C + + compiler developed into a compiler that can convert C + + directly into machine language (assembly). Since this evolution, starting in 1990 C + + object-oriented language being used by most professional programmers.

2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages

C + + that's basically the C language is also, well the main C capability that is like:

Ø able to access the computer hardware components with a syntax that is more humane than his Assembly Language Standard.

Ø ANSI can be used in different platforms

Ø The program speed as compared with the same program made in other languages, relatively faster ...


excess of C + + includes all the advantages of C but with major enhancements such as for example the handling of complexity with OOP


One weakness is the lack of C + + libraries built in, so that for certain processes we need to create a program built from scratch nearly, or from the most basic. Moreover C + + language today is less so popular because we are still thinking about the programming of machines rather than thinking about probis (business process) that should be our goal.

2.3 C + + Applications

  •  As a programming language in Windows, UNIX, Linux.

  •  Visual C + + can be made any applications such as databases.

  •  Language for making operating systems, gaming, control systems, manufacturing applications

  •  To create a new language or create a new language compiler

  •  To write a component and library files of other languages

Example program:

# Include

int main ()


int n;

court <<"Enter the starting number>";

cin>> n;

while (n> 0) (

court <<> 8

8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, FIRE!


1.3 History

Start Java was released in 1990 as a programming language called Oak, The Sun MycroSystem establish a working group consisting of qualified programmers to create new products and expand market Sun.Oak first designed for personal digital assistance called * 7 which will be marketed Sun Graphical User Interface facilities.

Apparently * 7 was never marketed and coincidentally Sun formed a company called FirstPerson to develop * 7 in the form of TV set-top boxes for interactive television. Because competition is so tight, the prospect of interactive TV finally decreased and finally Oak does not sell well in the market. But since FirstPerson and Oak failures rise of the Internet pioneers, especially the World Wide Web such as Netscape to start making software that allows the connection between the Internet with the WWW. Sun finally realized that Oak has a great chance to make an access point to the Web. Not long after Oak was launched on the Internet with a new name, namely Java.

Right now Java is still in early stages of development and have started to influence the direction of the computer programming and Java programming internet.Bahasa released for free on the internet and Sun give full license to the implementation of the Java and all its components for use in a variety of software vendors with the expectation that the Internet can create a standard for web programming.

Java is a pure object-oriented programming language based on the best capabilities before the object programming language (C + +, Ada, Simula).

2.3 Advantages and Disadvantages


  •  Simple and Powerful

We can learn to program with Java quickly if you already understand the basic concepts of object-oriented programming is only necessary to understand some concepts to be able to write a satisfactory program. Java does not have things that are surprising and strange. Unlike other programming language that offers dozens of ways to do one pekerjan, but all it takes precision and a high level of complexity.

  •  Safely

Most security problems, especially Internet networking applications generated from the old system because the system was not designed with the concept of Internet security. One of the key design principles of Java is safety and security. Java never had the facilities and security that is not secure until the need to be addressed specifically for security. Therefore, Java programs can not call functions globally and gain access to various sources in the system because there are a number of monitoring by the Java program that can not be performed by another system.

  •  Object Oriented

Java not revealed any programming language, is also completely incompatible with everything. This is because of freedom in the design of the chosen approach is clearly useful, and pragmatic. Java object module is a simple and easy to develop but in line with that, numbers and other simple data types are considered as non-high performance object. Most other object-oriented systems choose a rigid hierarchy of objects and unruly or choose to use the dynamic object model that does not have high performance and completeness. Java once again have a balance that provides a mechanism-class lawyer's simple with an intuitive dynamic interface model only if necessary. Understanding object-oriented programming style is very important and helps to learn how to program with Java.


  •  Java has a speed of less than C + + language
  •  Implementation of J2ME is not global. For example, J2ME for Motorola with J2ME for Sony Ericsson is not the same. Unlike more J2ME for Nokia. Every product always has a separate module which is considered odd application and should be compiled with different modules.
  •  Java takes a lot of computer memory
  •  Java is a complex and difficult language to learn

  •  Program created by this language more slowly than programs created with other languages like C or C + +.

3.3 Application of Java language

  •  Network Programming
  •  Making windows based application
  •  Programs to make the web

Example sitaks repetition or looping on the Java language using While:

Writing mode:

while (condition)



while (count <= 10) ( System.out.println ("count is not over 10"); ) Basic 4.Visual 4.1 History "Uncle" Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, started the software industry by developing the basic language interpreters for the Altair 8800, for then he changed to run on the IBM PC with DOS operating system. The next development is the launch of BASICA (basic-advanced) for DOS. After BASICA, Microsoft launched Microsoft's QuickBasic and Microsoft Basic (also known as Basic Compiler). History in the hands of Microsoft BASIC as the language is being interpreted (BASICA) and also a compiled language (BASCOM) makes Visual Basic is implemented as a combination of both. Programmers who use Visual Basic can choose the compiled code or code should be interpreted as a result of the executable from VB code. Unfortunately, despite already compiled a machine language, the DLL named MSVBVMxx.DLL still needed. However, the characteristics of the compiled language still appear (it is faster than if we use terinterpretasi mode). Visual Basic is a language that supports OOP, but not entirely. Some characteristics of the object can not be done in Visual Basic, such as Inheritance can not be done in a class module. Limited polymorphism can be done by declaring a class module that has a specific interface. Visual Basic (VB) is not case sensitive. Also Visual Basic also supports Visual Programming 2.4 Advantages and Disadvantages: Pros: Commands in VB language is also very complete and in VB we can easily create a program without having to type in another programming language, but simply designed interface / display program in VB Editor superbly available. The most interesting part of VB ActiveX in particular is the availability of facilities. ActiveX is a program / facility that we can add input / load into a VB VB so the facility and the ability to continue to rise. Jam it if we want to create a button, others you must create a code that long just to make buttons. Besides the source code, VB OCX can be obtained on the internet very much. Disadvantages: In excess of course a piece of software has a weakness, weakness of VB VB does not have the database itself and usually VB using databases such as: mysql, sql server, microsoft access. Besides not having their own database of VB does not have support for creating reports of congenital VB itself, but together with a vb other software eg Crystal Report or Microsoft access to build a report. 3.4 Application in Visual Basic Ø Network Programming Ø Making windows based application Ø Programs to make the web Example program: Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To 3 Console.Write ("*") Next 5. Ruby language 5.1 History Ruby is a scripting programming language is object oriented. The purpose of the ruby is to combine all the advantages of scripting programming languages in the world. Ruby written in C with basic skills such as Perl and Python. Ruby was first created by a Japanese programmer named Yukihiro Matsumoto. Writing Ruby began in February 1993 and in December 1994 released the alpha version of ruby. In the early development of Ruby, Yukihiro meulis Ruby itself until the year 1996 formed a community that many mengkotribusikan Ruby Ruby. 5.2. Advantages and Disadvantages Pros: Ø simple syntax Ø Have a good Exception Handling Ø OOP Ø Single inheritance Ø Supported by Linux OS, Windows, MacOS X, OS / 2, BeOS, and Unix. Ø scripting programming language is object oriented Ø Having a garbage collector that automatically removes unwanted information from the memory Weaknesses: Ø Multithreading. Implementation is still a thread in ruby green thread, not a native thread. This makes the application GUI (desktop) with a background thread can not be implemented in ruby. Ø Virtual Memory, still fully Interpreted ruby ruby so that programs tend to be slow. Ø Spek. ruby current specification (syntax, behavior, etc.) is the original implementation of Matz ruby. Ø IDE. Currently the quality IDE for ruby is still far than the. Net and java. But with IDE ruby bermunculnya made with, conditions are somewhat changed. But because the ruby language is very dynamic, it is difficult to get comprehensive information about the structure of a ruby program statically. Ruby 5.3 Applications Ø The implementation of Ruby on JRuby and Rubinius Ø Ruby can be applied to Asynchronous JavaScript and XML technologies (AJAX). Ø Ruby on Rails to create web framework Examples of programs: > To repeat

#! / Usr / bin / ruby

count = 0

while count <10

puts "count =" + count.to_s

count + = 1



Concept Books Language C Programming Language by Jogianto Hartono, MBA, Ph.D.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


One type of application system which is very popular among corporate management is a Decision Support System or abbreviated as DSS. DSS represents an information system that is expected to assist management in decision-making process. Things that need to be emphasized here is that the presence of DSS is not to replace the manager duties, but to be the supporting infrastructure (tools) for them. DSS is actually the implementation of the decision-making theories that telahdi introduced by sciences such as operations research and management science.Hanya difference is that if the first to seek settlement of their problems computation iterations must be performed manually (usually to find the minimum value, maximum, or optimum), the current PC has offered the ability to solve the same problem in a relatively short time.

In both fields above, the known terms of decision modeling, decision theory, dandecision analysis - which is essentially represent the management problems faced every day in the form of quantitative (eg in the form of mathematical models). Classic examples of problems in this field adalahlinear programming, gaming's theory, transportation problems, inventory systems, decision tree, and so forth. Of the many classical problems that are often encountered in activities of daily business, some dapatdengan easily simulated and solved by using formulas or simple formulas. But many problems are very rumitsehingga require sophisticated computer.

Sprague and Carlson DSS defines quite well, as the system has five main characteristics (Sprague, 1993):

1) computer-based system;

2) Is used to help decision-makers;

3) To break down complex problems kanmasalah the "impossible" was done by manual calculations;

4) By way of an interactive simulation;

5) Where the data and analytical models as the main component.

6) Characteristics 4dan 5 is a new facility offered by the DSS recent progress in accordance with the latest developments in computer devices.

Concept of DSS:

- HERBERTSIMON: the distinction between decisions that in-program or not programmed, and the phases of decision-making

- GORRY & MICHAEL ANTHONY G. S. Scott Morton: the creation of lattice for the structure and level of management problems

- STEVENALTER: empirical support for the establishment of the basic topology DSS

1. DSS is devoted to support the manager:

• semi-structured problem solving,

• more emphasis on effectiveness than efficiency

2. DSS provides information for problem solving and communication skills.

3. Information obtained from: regular and special reports, output of mathematical models and expert system output.

4. Communication is done when a manager to do problem solving group.


o mathematical modeling is an integral component of profitable DSS managers (although it still contained a few flaws)

o Computer graphics: a study based graphics suitable to a particular situation; on the situation graph more effectively than others.

Overall DSS was built by the three major components:

1) Database

2) Base Model

3) Software System

Database system contains a collection of all the company's business data, both derived from daily transactions, as well as basic data (master files). For the purposes of the DSS, the necessary data relevant to the problems to be solved through simulations.

The second component is a Base model or a model that represents the problem into a quantitative format (mathematical model for example) as the basis of simulations or decision-making, including the purpose of the problem (objective), related components, the existing constraints (constraints ), and other related matters.

The second component is to further united in the third component (software system), having previously represented in the model that "understood" the computer. An example is the use of techniques RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), OODBMS (Object Oriented Database Management System) to model data structures. While MBMS (Model Base Management System) is used to present their solutions to search problems. Other entities are contained in the new DSS products are DGMS (Dialog Generation and Management System), which is a system to allow the "dialogue" between computer and human interactive (the user) as decision makers.


DSS applications are offered in the market is very diverse, from the most simple (and quick-hit DSS) to very complex (Institutional DSS). "Quick-Hit DSS" is typically intended for new managers learn to use the DSS (as the development of the type of reporting provided by MIS = Management Information System, satulevel system under DSS). Usually the problem is quite simple (simple) and required immediate resolution. For example for the need for reporting (report) or information retrieval (query). The same system is also used to make an ordinary simple analysis. Examples are seeing the impact that occurred in a formulation, if the variables or parameters are changed. Inside the company, the DSS of this type are usually implemented in an organization that can function stand-alone (based on data owned by that organization functions). Example is the DSS to prepare the annual budget, DSS for employee salary increases, the DSS to determine the amount of overtime hours employees, and others.

'Institutional DSS "is an application built by business experts and experts in the DSS. In accordance with its name, the DSS of this type are usually working at the company level, where data are owned by their respective organizations have integrated functions (created structures and connections are defined terms).

An example is the DSS to predict revenue in the future (forecasting) that will simulate the data derived from the Sales Division, Marketing Division, Logistics Division and Operations Division. Examples of implementations that are not less interesting is a system, whereby if the management has plans to layoff a few employees, will be able to simulate the impact on the balance sheet profit and loss firms. Examples of application of other DSS's most widely used in the business world is for the purposes of analysis, marketing, logistics and distribution operations, and the problems associated with finance and accounting (Taxation, budgeting, etc..).


In merepresenasikan DSS so you can easily be used and understood by all users (in this case is the manager of the company), the absolute graphics format used to complement the existing text. Examples of popular graphical models used are as follows:

ü Time SeriesCharts - to see the impact of a variable versus time;

ü Bar-Charts to compare the performance of several entities;

Pie Charts ü-to see the composition or the percentage of a thing;

ü ScatteredDiagrams - to analyze the relationship between several variables;

ü Maps - to represent geographic data;

ü Layouts - to describe the location of physical goods, such as in buildings and offices;

Hierarchy Charts ü-to describe the organizational structure;

ü-Sequence Charts to represent something with the logic that tersetruktur (examples are flowchart diagrams); and

ü Motion Graphics-to show a behavior of the variables observed by the animation.

The types of the graph above can usually be displayed in two formats: two dimensidan three dimensions.


DSS is currently popular for use are based on tables or spreadsheets, because managers are used to read data in this way. The table here is the media manager in "mengkutak-katik" (replace or modify) an existing variable, where the results will be displayed in graphical formats that have been described previously. For this purpose, usually a stand-alone PC is enough to implemented the mentasikannya.Sejalan with developments in information technology, has offered many DSS applications that work within the network infrastructure (LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet, etc..). Some managers attributed the decision maker with one another via a computer network, so that they can exchange a stream of data and information for decision making. Even the existing DSS yangdiperlengkapi with expert system (based on artificial intelligence theory = artifial intelligence), so that business decisions can be made directly by the computer, without human intervention.

C. PURPOSE DSS (Peter G. W. Keen & Scott Morton)

a) Assist the manager to make decisions for dealing with semi-structured,

b) Supporting the consideration of the manager, not as a substitute for consideration of managers,

c) Improve the effectiveness of managers in making decisions (not efficiency).

Three Principles of the Basic Concept of DSS:

1. Problem Structure: Problems in the form of structured or unstructured difficult to find, the majority of semi-structured form of the DSS is aimed at the area where many of the problems found.

2. Decision Support: DSS is not a substitute manager

• Computers used for any portion of a structured problem, was the manager responsible for the portion of unstructured problems (with applications consideration, intuition, or analysis).

• Computer & Managers as problem-solving teams in semi-structured problems.

3. Decision Effectiveness Ù benefitfrom using DSS is playing better decisions

• Not always the best decision; in many cases where managers decide the best alterternatif.

• Additional time for the optimum solution with increasing precision is not worth much.

• Managers use considerations (judgment) to determine manayang decisions contribute to the solutions.

Figure 1. DSS focus on Semi-Structured Problems

These types of decisions

• Decisions are programmed (structure)

- Created by customs, rules, procedures, written or not

- Form a routine, repetitive

• Decisions are not programmed (not structured)

- Regarding the special problems, unique, unusual

- Policies that are not answered

Mis.Pengalokasian resources


From the explanation, it can be concluded that the DSS is:

· Sistember basiskomputer

· System that produces a variety of alternative decision

· System that helps decision makers (decision maker)

· System that solves the problem of semi / unstructured

· System that uses data, databases, and model makers.

Various kinds of protocols in the network known

Protocol is the main rules governing the communication between multiple computers on a network, including the rules applicable guidelines for the ways or methods of accessing a network, physical topology, the types of cables and the speed of data transfer.

Known protocols are as follows:

1. Ethernet
2. Local Talk
3. Token Ring
5. ATM

Ethernet protocol is by far the most widely used, the Ethernet access method called CSMA / CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Detection). This is a system where each computer listens to the cable network before sending anything into it. If there is no activity in a tissue or clean the computer will transmit the data, if any other transmissions on the cable, the computer will
wait and will try to re-transmission if the network is clean.
Sometimes, two computers can transmit at the same time, when this happens, each computer will be back and will wait
random chance to transmit data back. This method is known
with the coalition, and will not effect the speed of transmission on the network.
The Ethernet protocol allows for linear bus, star, or tree. Data can be transmitted over twisted pair cable, coaxial, or fiber optic cable at speeds of 10 Mbps.

talkLocalTalk local network which is a protocol developed by Applem Computer, Inc.. for Macintosh machines. The method used by LocalTalk is CSMA / CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance). Similar to the CSMA / CD .. LocalTalk adapters and cables
special twisted pair can be used to connect multiple computers
through serial port. Macintosh Operating System is a network connection enables peer-to-peer without the need for additional specific applications
LocalTalk protocol allows for linear bus, star, or tree model using twisted pair cables. The most glaring deficiency is the speed of transmission. Transmission speed of only 230 Kbps.

Ring Token
Token Token ringProtokol developed by IBM in mid-1980. The access methods through the passage of a token in a circle like a ring. In token ring, the computers are connected to each other like a ring. A token moves signal rotates in a circle (ring) in a network and moving from one computer to the next computer, if at a stopover in one of the computer there was data to be transmitted, the token will transport it to where it wanted addressed data, token moves on to connect to each other between each computer.
Token Ring protocol requires a network model Stars using twisted pair cable or fiber optic cable. And can perform the transmission speed of 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps. Along with the development of Ethernet, Token Ring usage dwindled until now.

fddiFiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a network protocol
linking between two or more networks even at great distances
. Aksesnyayang method used by FDDI is a token model. FDDI uses two physical ring topology. Transmission process baiasanya
using a single ring, but if there is a problem is found it will automatically use the second ring. An advantage of the FDDI
is the speed by using a fiber optic cable at 100 Mbps speed.

atmATM stands for Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is a network protocol that transmits at speeds of 155 Mbps or more. Mentarnsmisikan ATM data into a single package where another transfer protocol on the big-small package. ATM supports various media such as videos, CD-audio, and pictures. ATM working on Star topology models, using fiber optic cable or twisted pair cables. ATMs are generally used to connect two or more LANs. He is also widely used by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to increase speed Internet access for their clients.

Conclusion to the Protocol:

Protokol yang di Pakai

Kabel yang digunakan

Ethernet Twisted Pair, Coaxial,Fiber 10 Mbps Linear Bus, Star,Tree
Fast Ethernet Twisted Pair, Fiber 100 Mbps Star
LocalTalk Twisted Pair 0.23 Mbps Linear Bus or Star
Token Ring Twisted Pair 4 Mbps - 16 Mbps Star-Wired Ring
FDDI Fiber 100 Mbps Dual ring
ATM Twisted Pair, Fiber 155-2488 Mbps Linear Bus, Star,Tree

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How to Become a blogger Changing SEO Friendly Title

This is an example on blogspot who has not been modified, less friendly title like this if the title of a long article and added title panjag blog, the result is seen later on is just not the title of blog post title. If you look like that then certainly less than perfect. So I will give you the basic code for changing the title to make it more SEO friendly.
Simply login on your blog and select the blog you will titlenya fox, then select edit HTML Jagan forgot to give the check Expand Widget Templates.
If you are looking for this code <title><data:blog.title/></title>
situated at the top, if it is replace the code with the code below:
<b:ifcond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

Changing the Favicon in the Address Bar Blogger

Instead ga know thanks to bloggers who have made the bloggernya nyediain free services this blog, but changes to the bloggers who nyampe extreem's degree preferred the web (blog) free master Unlike other blog services are sometimes many limitations: it can ga, it prohibited. But everything seemed all-okeh bloggers. Whatever freedom of expression by altering even display the logo remains blogspot's name alongside the names of the passengers in bloggernya unless it One expression is old enough emang've known the other bloggers are bloggers such as replacing the favicon image favicon beside it with our own homemade but for newcomers this is a new item. Below are my tips for how do I change the favicon favicon bloggers with our own homemade.

First, create your own personal favicon used in adobe photoshop to appear in the address bar. Favicon have size 0:42 x 0:42 cm or a little bit of magnitude 0.71 x 0.71 cm made CompuServe or GIF format let the small size of the image under 2kb but also JPG apa2 ga.

Second, upload your favicon to a free image server like,, or can also keep in Up to Direct links - Image url, in other words we have a favicon address on one of the servers above. Example for my icon -> <- the URL in GooglePages

Third, copy the code below,

<linkhref="''" rel="'icon'" type="'image/png/ico/gif'/">

(Replace my image url with your image url) Save this code in your blog edit html store under above <![CDATA [/ * Click on SAVE. Look at your blog!

Good luck!

Friday, June 4, 2010



Android is a software platform for mobile devices powered by Google OS, originally developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance. This allows the developers to write managed code in the Java language, the control device through the Google developed Java libraries. Applications written in C and other languages can be compiled to ARM native code and running, but the construction of this road is not officially supported by Google.
Android is an open operating system intended for mobile devices (mobile device). Dikembagkan by the Open Handset Alliance, which consists of software developers, hardware and providers such as Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, and NVIDIA which aims to create an open standard for mobile devices (mobile device). As of July 2005 had been acquired by google android on 5 November 2007 and then officially released by Google's Android. In the development of android applications Android SDK provides the tools and APIs to provide application developers with flatform android. Android using Java as the language pemogramannya, so for those of you who've been playing with java it never hurts to try Android.
Keywords: android, google

In July 2005, Google acquired Android, Inc., a small startup company based in Palo Alto, California, United States. Android's co-founders who went to work at Google included Andy Rubin (co-founder of Danger), Rich Miner (co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Inc.), Nick Sears (once VP at T-Mobile), and Chris White (head of design interface and development in Webtv). At that time, little is known about the functions of Android, Inc. other than those who create software for mobile phones. This began rumors that Google has plans to enter the phone market, although it 's not clear what the function might do in the market. At Google, a team led by Rubin, who developed the mobile device platform backed by Google's OS that is marketed to handset makers and operators on the premise of providing a flexible, upgradeable system.

Systems Development Method
Developing Java Applications library written in C and other languages
Company founder is the Open Handset Alliance. Sources flagship model is the open source and free software. Android 21 October 2008 released earlier. Monolithic Kernel Kind Linux. License Apache 2.0 and GPLv2. Android is a software platform and operating system for mobile devices, based on the Linux kernel, originally developed by Google and later the Open Handset Alliance. This allows the developers to write managed code in the Java language, the control device through the Google Java libraries developed applications written in C and other languages can be compiled to native code and run ARM, Opening of the Android platform on 5 November 2007 have been announced to establish a consortium of 48 hardware, software, and telecom companies devoted to advancing open standards for mobile devices. Android from code licensed under Apache, a free software and open source licenses.
In July 2005, Google acquired Android, Inc., a small startup company based in Palo Alto, California, United States. Android's co-founders who went to work at Google included Andy Rubin, co-founder of Danger, Rich Miner co-founder of Wildfire Communications, Nick Sears once VP at T-Mobile, and Chris White's head interface design and development in Webtv At that time, little is known about the functions of Android, Inc. other than those who create software for mobile phones. This began rumors that Google has plans to enter the phone market, although it is unclear what the function might be doing at Google pasar.Di, a team led by Rubin, to develop Linux-based mobile OS that is marketed to handset makers and operators on the premise of providing a flexible , upgradeable system.

Android at the Googleplex.

Reports from the BBC and The Wall Street Journal that Google has developed a Google-branded handset. More speculation followed that statement because Google has determined the technical specifications, he showed the prototype to cell phone manufacturers and network operators. As many as 30 prototype phones are reported to operasi.Google has filed several patent applications in the fields of cellular phones.
"The announcement is more ambitious than today's single 'Google Phone' that the press has been speculating about for weeks. Our vision is our strong platform that will power the opening of thousands of different phone models." - Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman / CEO

On November 5, 2007, the Open Handset Alliance, a consortium of several companies including Google, HTC, Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, Sprint Nextel and NVIDIA, was unveiled with the aim to develop open standards for mobile devices. Along with the formation of the Open Handset Alliance, the OHA also unveiled their first product, Android, mobile devices platform built on Linux kernel version 2.6. On December 9, 2008, he announced that 14 new members will join the Android project, including: Sony Ericsson, Vodafone Group Plc, ARM Holdings Plc, Asustek Computer Inc., Toshiba Corp. and Garmin Ltd..

Google Chairman and CEO Eric Schmidt took a few times in the official press release to remove all previous rumors and speculation about the existence of Google phone independent. Android has been available in the form of open source. Google opens the source code (including the telephone network and the previous arrangement was not available, under the Apache license.

With the Apache License, vendors are free to add extensions ownership without sending them back to the open source community. Android has been criticized for not all open source software despite what was announced by Google.: The SDK is an exclusive and closed-source and believe this is so that Google can control the platform.

4. Results and Discussion

July 2005, Google acquired Android, Inc.., A rapidly growing company headquartered in Palo Alto, California, United States. Founder of Android, Inc.. including the Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White. But at this moment only a handful of people know the functions of Android, Inc.. in addition they are making software for mobile phones. Rumor had developed when Google acquired Android, Inc.. that Google is planning to enter the phone market is not yet known but will like what Google's share of the world's mobile phones.

At Google, a team led by Rubin developed a basic platform of mobile devices with the Linux kernel which was sold to handset makers and telecom services. As the news circulated that Google already has hardware components and levels of software partners and signaled to the telecommunications service provider that they offer is open. Speculation about Google's targeted for mobile phones are increasingly growing that they will soon announce it in the month of December 2006. More and more rumors saying that Google is developing Google branded mobile phone. There are as many as 30 prototype phones are reported to have functioned at that time.
September 2007, Google filed a patent is known in the field of cellular phones.
Android has experienced since the launch of first renewal.

30 April 2009 was officially launched Cupcake with several new features:
The ability to record and play video in camcorder mode
Upload videos to Youtube and photos directly from mobile phones to Picasa
Keyboard with soft keys features "autocomplete"
Ability of a direct connection to a Bluetooth headset
Widgets and the new folder
Improved copy-paste capabilities
15 September 2009, Donut (Donut) launched:
Android Market update
Interface cameras, camcorders, and an integrated gallery
Elimination of photos in the gallery can be done in multiple (many files)
Voice Search updated with faster response and better integration with the ability to call contacts
Improved search features for bookmarks, history, contacts, and web directly from the standby display
Updates technological support CDMA / EVDO, 802.1x VPN, Gesture, and Text-to-speech
Improved speed in the search
October 26, 2009
Improved hardware speed
New applications "Car Home"
Support the resolution and screen size developed
The new browser interface
List of new contacts
Black-white ratio for better background
Google Maps 3.1.2
Microsoft Exchange Support
Support for camera flash
Digital zoom
Virtual keyboard repaired
Bluetooth 2.1
Android soulless devices
The first devices running Android operating system and is widely marketed is the HTC Dream which is released on October 22, 2008. By the end of 2009 certainly will circulate around 18 phones using Android.

Android will be launched with core applications (See the top layer is application layer) such as email client, SMS program, calendar, maps, browser, contacts. All applications are written using Java.

Then Look at the second layer (Arsitektor Framework API).

Developers have full access to the same used by the Application Core (Core Application), so developers can change the default standard application browser, email client, SMS program applications such as client, SMS made by developers themselves. Developers can use the available components to develop or modify new applications. For example Look at the view system framework, with a view component system, the Developer can use to build user interface components including lists, grids, text boxes, buttons and components in a web browser. This can summarize the progress of time the developer team. Content Provider Framework enables applications to access data in other applications such as Contacts or can also divide the data into other applications.
If not satisfied by utilizing a second layer, there is a third layer containing the Library. This third layer is a layer that can also be found on other operating systems, within the existing layer components are written in the native language C / C + +. The difference of Android Runtime components. In runtime, the available library functions of the Java Programming Language.

Every Android application, running on its own in-process instance (the Indonesian language, why?) By Dalvik Virtual Machine. Dalvik governing this is the low-level threading and memory management. Dalvik Virtual Machine works just like the Java Virtual Machine and BREW runtime. Dalvik Virtual Machines execute files in the format. DEX (dalvik Executable), VM is register based and run the classes that have been compiled by the Java Language Compiler.

Bottom layer or the number four is the most important layer of the Linux Kernel version 2.6 to serve the core operating system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack and driver model. Kernel also acts as an Abstraction Layer between hardware and software stack.

There are four basic that we must understand in building Android-based applications:
Activity, is a graphical interface that we see when running an application. applications can have more than one Activity
Intent, is a set of values that indicate what should be done when there is movement of the screen
Service, is a service that works in Backend
Content providers, enables an application to store and receive data from the database.

Android Application

Released (preinstalled)

HTC Dream (T-Mobile G1)

The HTC Dream (also marketed as the T-Mobile G1, G1 era in Poland, Dream Rogers in Canada) is the first to market phones that use the Android platform. The phone is part of the open standards efforts of the Open Handset Alliance.

The Magic HTC. The Magic Dream similar but without the slide-out keyboard, rather than using a keyboard on the screen.

China launched its version of the company Qigi i6 (formerly Windows Mobile) devices running Android on the moon in December 2008. Devices manufactured by Chinese ODM TechFaith.

HKC Pearl, who claimed to dual-boot Windows Mobile 6.1 and Android.

HKC Imobile v413, build a similar Android HTC Touch.

Samsung I7500 announced in April 2009 for release in June.

Released (aftermarket installation)
Some users have been able (with some amount of hacking, and with limited functionality) to install Android on other mobile devices that shipped with the OSes:

The OpenMoko phone (Neo 1973 and Neo FreeRunner) is also very supportive since the release of Google Android source code on October 21, 2008. On November 4, 2008, all the source compiles the stack, with the kernel, users and most applications work, but the phone, SMS, suspend / resume and wifi, which relies on low-level hardware features, does not fully work. In early 2009 Cupcake and pictures that show is available as a flashable image

Motorola A1200 Sun

HTC Kaiser: port is in progress, all features are not functioning at this time

HTC Vogue

HTC Touch Diamond: Not all functions work (including Wifi

HTC Touch Pro

Nokia N810

Nokia 770

Asus EeePC 701

Asus EeePC 1000H

Book of touch Always inovati

Dell Axim x51v

HTC Touch HD: similar to the Touch Diamond, not all features function as wifi and audio during voice calls


In September 2008, Motorola has confirmed that he worked on hardware products that will run Android.

Huawei plans to release a phone that will run on

Android T-Mobile. This however does not set a date until June 2009 after.

Archos plans to launch a new device, which will incorporate a significant media capabilities with Android OPERATING system.

Lenovo's working on Android-based phone that supports China's 3G standard TD-SCDMA.

HTC is planning a "portfolio" of Android-based phone. which will be released in the middle of 2009, including HTC Magic, unveiled on February 17, 2009 at 2009 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The Magic HTC will be released with the "Cupcake" built with his debut on May 5.

Sony Ericsson is waiting for better multi-media support for Android 2.0.

GiiNii Movit Mini is an Internet device based on Google's Android operating system.

Acer is rumored to be releasing a phone called the L1, C1, E1, F1, and A1 (unconfirmed) at the end of 2009.

ODM Yuhua of China's first Android phone, dual SIM DSTL1 will be released in June under the General Mobile brand. The Company is planning more Android devices.

Skytone, distributors and software developers from Skytone Alpha-400 netbook announced a release of Android, the Alpha-680.

Kogan Technologies, Australia's manufacturing technology, has announced the Android compatible fit: in Kogan and Kogan agora agora Pro. This match is scheduled to be released on January 29, 2009. In mid-January 2009, Kogan announced that an appropriate release has been delayed indefinitely agora.

Android Excellence

Some key advantages that distinguish devices on the Android platform from similar products:

1. Openness - Android provides access to the basic functions of mobile devices using standard calls to the API.

2. The destruction of the border - you can combine information from the Internet into the phone, such as contact information, or data on the geographical location to get a new chance.

The similarity of applications - for Android is no difference between the main phone applications and other software - you can even change the program to dial the number, or screen saver.

4. Quick and easy development - in the SDK has everything you need to create and run Android applications, including instrument simulator, and advanced debugging tools.

Software Development

Early feedback on the development of applications for the Android platform have been mixed. Issues cited include bugs, lack of documentation, inadequate QA infrastructure, and no public issue-tracking system. (Google's issue tracker which was announced on January 18, 2008) In December 2007, MergeLab mobile startup founder Adam Macbeth stated, "Function does not exist, are poorly documented or just does not work ... This is clearly not ready for prime time." Although Thus, targeted Android applications have begun to emerge in a week after the platform was announced. First commonly available is the application of Snake game. The Android Dev-open phone is SIM unlocked and hardware devices that are designed for advanced developers. While developers can use a device commonly purchased retail consumers to test and use the applications, some developers may choose not to use the retail device, selecting an open or no-contract device.

4.7 Software Development Kit
Android SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools. It includes debugger, libraries, a handset emulator (based on QEMU), documentation, sample code, and tutorials. Currently supported platforms include the development of x86-architecture computer running Linux (any modern desktop Linux Distribution), Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later, Windows XP or Vista. Requirements also include the Java Development Kit, Apache Ant, and Python 2.2 or newer. Which are officially supported integrated development environment (IDE) is the Eclipse (3.2 or newer) to use the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin, although the developer can use any text editor to edit Java and XML files and then use the command line tool to create, build and debug Android applications. Preview release of the Android software development kit (SDK) has been released on 12 November 2007. On July 15, 2008, the Android Developer Challenge Team accidentally sent an email to all entrants in the Android Developer Challenge has announced that the new SDK is available in "private" Download. Email is meant for the winner in the first round in the Android Developer Challenge. Derived that Google has provided a new release of the SDK for other developers and some do not (and maintain this arrangement private) has been reported to cause a lot of frustration within the Android developer community.
On August 18, 2008 in Android 0.9 SDK beta was released. This release provides an update and expansion of the API, the improvement and development tools
updated for the design of the home screen. Detailed instructions for upgrading are available for those who have worked with previous releases. On December 23
September 2008 the Android SDK 1.0 (Release 1) has been released. According to the release notes, he included "mainly bug fixes, although some smaller features added." This API also includes several changes from version 0.9.
On March 9, 2009, Google launched a version 1.1 for the android phone dev. Although there are some aesthetic updates, some important updates including support for "search by voice, the price of apps, alarm clock repairs, send gmail freeze fix, repair intervals and fresh notification letters, reviews and now the world map." Another important update is that the phone can now be paid Dev apps and developers can now see them on the Android Market.

8.4 Developer Challenge
Android Developer Challenge is a competition of the most innovative applications for Android. Google offers a total prize of U.S. $ 10 million, distributed between the ADC ADC I and II. ADC input I received from January 2 to 14 April 2008. 50 most promising entries, announced on May 12, 2008, each received a $ 25,000 award to fund further development. There was ended in early September with the announcement of the ten teams each received $ 275,000, and ten teams received $ 100,000 each. ADC II has been announced on May 27, 2009.

5. Conclusions & Suggestions
As a project search and online advertising, Google is growing rapidly, is evident in the development of features and facilities provided services ranging from web search, free email, video, google applications including launching Android as an operating system for mobile phones which is a competitor to the iPhone (Apple).

The unrestrictive licensing terms of Android has allowed companies to use Android to restrict their own customers. For example, tethering (PC or laptop Internet connectivity via mobile phones) is prohibited by T-Mobile USA, and Google has been blocked as an application for users who are in the United States. This also means that special operators can apps as selected by Google. However, this problem is true of any device on your network, regardless of the OS. Android uses the Linux kernel, but, according to Google, not the Linux operating system (either a native windowing system, and do not support the full set of standard Linux libraries, including GNU C Library). These specific properties make it difficult to return an existing Linux applications or libraries. Android does not use the Java standard established, namely SE and Java ME. This prevents compatibility among Java applications written to relax on and a platform for the Android platform. Android only reuses the Java language syntax, but does not give the whole class libraries and APIs bundled with Java SE or ME.

6. Bibliography