Tuesday, June 22, 2010


One type of application system which is very popular among corporate management is a Decision Support System or abbreviated as DSS. DSS represents an information system that is expected to assist management in decision-making process. Things that need to be emphasized here is that the presence of DSS is not to replace the manager duties, but to be the supporting infrastructure (tools) for them. DSS is actually the implementation of the decision-making theories that telahdi introduced by sciences such as operations research and management science.Hanya difference is that if the first to seek settlement of their problems computation iterations must be performed manually (usually to find the minimum value, maximum, or optimum), the current PC has offered the ability to solve the same problem in a relatively short time.

In both fields above, the known terms of decision modeling, decision theory, dandecision analysis - which is essentially represent the management problems faced every day in the form of quantitative (eg in the form of mathematical models). Classic examples of problems in this field adalahlinear programming, gaming's theory, transportation problems, inventory systems, decision tree, and so forth. Of the many classical problems that are often encountered in activities of daily business, some dapatdengan easily simulated and solved by using formulas or simple formulas. But many problems are very rumitsehingga require sophisticated computer.

Sprague and Carlson DSS defines quite well, as the system has five main characteristics (Sprague et.al., 1993):

1) computer-based system;

2) Is used to help decision-makers;

3) To break down complex problems kanmasalah the "impossible" was done by manual calculations;

4) By way of an interactive simulation;

5) Where the data and analytical models as the main component.

6) Characteristics 4dan 5 is a new facility offered by the DSS recent progress in accordance with the latest developments in computer devices.

Concept of DSS:

- HERBERTSIMON: the distinction between decisions that in-program or not programmed, and the phases of decision-making

- GORRY & MICHAEL ANTHONY G. S. Scott Morton: the creation of lattice for the structure and level of management problems

- STEVENALTER: empirical support for the establishment of the basic topology DSS

1. DSS is devoted to support the manager:

• semi-structured problem solving,

• more emphasis on effectiveness than efficiency

2. DSS provides information for problem solving and communication skills.

3. Information obtained from: regular and special reports, output of mathematical models and expert system output.

4. Communication is done when a manager to do problem solving group.


o mathematical modeling is an integral component of profitable DSS managers (although it still contained a few flaws)

o Computer graphics: a study based graphics suitable to a particular situation; on the situation graph more effectively than others.

Overall DSS was built by the three major components:

1) Database

2) Base Model

3) Software System

Database system contains a collection of all the company's business data, both derived from daily transactions, as well as basic data (master files). For the purposes of the DSS, the necessary data relevant to the problems to be solved through simulations.

The second component is a Base model or a model that represents the problem into a quantitative format (mathematical model for example) as the basis of simulations or decision-making, including the purpose of the problem (objective), related components, the existing constraints (constraints ), and other related matters.

The second component is to further united in the third component (software system), having previously represented in the model that "understood" the computer. An example is the use of techniques RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), OODBMS (Object Oriented Database Management System) to model data structures. While MBMS (Model Base Management System) is used to present their solutions to search problems. Other entities are contained in the new DSS products are DGMS (Dialog Generation and Management System), which is a system to allow the "dialogue" between computer and human interactive (the user) as decision makers.


DSS applications are offered in the market is very diverse, from the most simple (and quick-hit DSS) to very complex (Institutional DSS). "Quick-Hit DSS" is typically intended for new managers learn to use the DSS (as the development of the type of reporting provided by MIS = Management Information System, satulevel system under DSS). Usually the problem is quite simple (simple) and required immediate resolution. For example for the need for reporting (report) or information retrieval (query). The same system is also used to make an ordinary simple analysis. Examples are seeing the impact that occurred in a formulation, if the variables or parameters are changed. Inside the company, the DSS of this type are usually implemented in an organization that can function stand-alone (based on data owned by that organization functions). Example is the DSS to prepare the annual budget, DSS for employee salary increases, the DSS to determine the amount of overtime hours employees, and others.

'Institutional DSS "is an application built by business experts and experts in the DSS. In accordance with its name, the DSS of this type are usually working at the company level, where data are owned by their respective organizations have integrated functions (created structures and connections are defined terms).

An example is the DSS to predict revenue in the future (forecasting) that will simulate the data derived from the Sales Division, Marketing Division, Logistics Division and Operations Division. Examples of implementations that are not less interesting is a system, whereby if the management has plans to layoff a few employees, will be able to simulate the impact on the balance sheet profit and loss firms. Examples of application of other DSS's most widely used in the business world is for the purposes of analysis, marketing, logistics and distribution operations, and the problems associated with finance and accounting (Taxation, budgeting, etc..).


In merepresenasikan DSS so you can easily be used and understood by all users (in this case is the manager of the company), the absolute graphics format used to complement the existing text. Examples of popular graphical models used are as follows:

ü Time SeriesCharts - to see the impact of a variable versus time;

ü Bar-Charts to compare the performance of several entities;

Pie Charts ü-to see the composition or the percentage of a thing;

ü ScatteredDiagrams - to analyze the relationship between several variables;

ü Maps - to represent geographic data;

ü Layouts - to describe the location of physical goods, such as in buildings and offices;

Hierarchy Charts ü-to describe the organizational structure;

ü-Sequence Charts to represent something with the logic that tersetruktur (examples are flowchart diagrams); and

ü Motion Graphics-to show a behavior of the variables observed by the animation.

The types of the graph above can usually be displayed in two formats: two dimensidan three dimensions.


DSS is currently popular for use are based on tables or spreadsheets, because managers are used to read data in this way. The table here is the media manager in "mengkutak-katik" (replace or modify) an existing variable, where the results will be displayed in graphical formats that have been described previously. For this purpose, usually a stand-alone PC is enough to implemented the mentasikannya.Sejalan with developments in information technology, has offered many DSS applications that work within the network infrastructure (LAN, WAN, Intranet, Internet, etc..). Some managers attributed the decision maker with one another via a computer network, so that they can exchange a stream of data and information for decision making. Even the existing DSS yangdiperlengkapi with expert system (based on artificial intelligence theory = artifial intelligence), so that business decisions can be made directly by the computer, without human intervention.

C. PURPOSE DSS (Peter G. W. Keen & Scott Morton)

a) Assist the manager to make decisions for dealing with semi-structured,

b) Supporting the consideration of the manager, not as a substitute for consideration of managers,

c) Improve the effectiveness of managers in making decisions (not efficiency).

Three Principles of the Basic Concept of DSS:

1. Problem Structure: Problems in the form of structured or unstructured difficult to find, the majority of semi-structured form of the DSS is aimed at the area where many of the problems found.

2. Decision Support: DSS is not a substitute manager

• Computers used for any portion of a structured problem, was the manager responsible for the portion of unstructured problems (with applications consideration, intuition, or analysis).

• Computer & Managers as problem-solving teams in semi-structured problems.

3. Decision Effectiveness Ù benefitfrom using DSS is playing better decisions

• Not always the best decision; in many cases where managers decide the best alterternatif.

• Additional time for the optimum solution with increasing precision is not worth much.

• Managers use considerations (judgment) to determine manayang decisions contribute to the solutions.

Figure 1. DSS focus on Semi-Structured Problems

These types of decisions

• Decisions are programmed (structure)

- Created by customs, rules, procedures, written or not

- Form a routine, repetitive

• Decisions are not programmed (not structured)

- Regarding the special problems, unique, unusual

- Policies that are not answered

Mis.Pengalokasian resources


From the explanation, it can be concluded that the DSS is:

· Sistember basiskomputer

· System that produces a variety of alternative decision

· System that helps decision makers (decision maker)

· System that solves the problem of semi / unstructured

· System that uses data, databases, and model makers.
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