The use of Internet technology in the world is increasing. Internet previously only used by workers in the field of Internet-based computasi technology (web-based Application) and who understand that technology alone. along with the changing times, technology is also progressing towards the achievement of extraordinary ease and convenience in performing daily activities that are considered impossible can be done in a short time. Neither form of social interaction, marketing, and activities that can attract other users. Therefore, Internet users increases rapidly and penetrated all walks of life.
Internet-based technology development computasi now directed more to the process system application that is easy and does not require much time or energy. The problem was obtained in the processing system network. If there is a change in my internet application program on a server in local network, the data should be reinstalled or adjusted return. including the use of computers in ordinary, necessary operating system and application programs. Determine the operating system application programs. If users select the operating system MS Windows for example, the application also must be based on Windows. Similarly, if a system based on DOS, Linux, Mac, and so forth. In fact choosing the operating system itself often make the user a headache.
Now the concept of Cloud Computing technology is being warmly discussed. The term Cloud Computing may not have heard a lot, because it's still new. However, its growth is remarkable.Could mention of Computing technology can eliminate the problems described above. Large companies in the IT field was now devoting his attention to it. Microsoft has recently announced it will soon set up its latest system, Windows 7, which strongly supports cloud computing, although it was not promising when the circulation. What exactly is cloud computing?
For that in this discussion will explain what it is Could Computing and application of technology in the IT industry.
Cloud computing in the discussion of objectives, namely:
1. Understanding what the concept of Cloud Computing.
2. Knowing the benefits and lack of Cloud Computing.
3. Knowing what kind of technology related to Cloud Computing.
4. Understanding Cloud panarapan Computig in IT industry.
Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves the provision of services were hosted through the Internet. These services generally are divided into three categories: Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The term cloud computing itself inspired by the symbol cloud / cloud (hereafter still referred to as "cloud" in order to remain on the path to understanding) is often used to represent the Internet in the flow charts and diagrams.
Cloud Services has three special characteristics that distinguish it from traditional hosting. This service is sold on demand, which is usually per minute or per hour and is elastic, the user may have any desired service according to the allotted time, and service management dikelolah by provider (customer only need a computer and Internet access). Significant innovations in terms of virtualization and distributed computing, including improved access to high-speed Internet and economic improvements, have increased the attraction of people to cloud computing.
A cloud can be labeled private or public. Public Cloud sell services to anyone on the Internet.(Currently, Amazon Web Services is the largest provider of public cloud.) Private Cloud is a proprietary network or data centers that supply services were hosts to people in limited quantities. If a service provider using resources owned by a private cloud, then the result is called a virtual private cloud. Private or public, the goal of cloud computing is to provide easy access, scalable to computing resources and IT services.
Infrastructure-as-a-Service like Amazon Web Services provides several virtual servers with unique IP addresses and the number of blocks on demand storage containers. The customers using the application program interface (API) belonging to the provider to start, stop, access and configure the virtual server and storage containers. In the business world, cloud computing allows companies to pay only for capacity that is needed, and bringing more items to be online as soon as needed. Therefore, the model "pay according to use" also resembles the model as electricity, gas and water consumed, it is sometimes also called utility computing.
Platform-as-a-service in the cloud is defined as a set of software and product development tools that were hosted on the infrastructure providers. Developers to create applications on a platform provider via the Internet. PaaS Provider may use the API, web portal or gateway software installed on customers' computers. Force.com, (formerly known as Salesforce.com) and GoogleApps are some examples of PaaS. Developers need to understand that there are currently no standards for interoperability or data portability in the cloud. Most providers will not allow software made by its customers moved from platform providers.
While the cloud model software-as-a-service, infrastructure vendors supplying the hardware, software products and interaction with the user via the portal front-end. SaaS is a very broad market. Its services can range from Web-based email to inventory control and database processing. Therefore service providers to host both applications and data, then the end user is free to use any service from the service.
Cloud Computing Pros.
Users can always use the latest version of the program he uses.
Because this program can be used users from around the world, so if there is a problem, promptly detected and rectified.
Programs can be shared, so if there is work to be completed by 10 people for example, can be worked together at different times, from where the berlainan.Jadi no longer need to have a meeting somewhere, because it will waste time , energy, and resources (electricity for air conditioning and lighting, nyamikan or offering for the participants of the meeting, not to mention the time spent chatting on the sidelines of the meeting).
Relatively cheap, because users are not burdened cost anything, except wanting additional facilities. Even data can be stored on the Internet (we do not need to know is stored in any country, or the server which one, the important data stored there is safe and accessible at any time).
Risk / deficiency use Cloud Computing
As was said as a business service, with the cloud technology you should know and make sure what you paid and what you are fully invested it for your needs using this service. You have to look at some parts, namely:
Service level - Cloud providers may not be consistent with the performance of the application or transaction. This requires you to understand the service level you get on the transaction response time, data protection and speed of data recovery.
Privacy - Because other people / other companies also make the possibility of hosting your data will be out or read by others without your knowledge or approve of you.
Compliance - You must also consider the regulation of the business you have, in this case theoretically cloud service providers are expected to equate the level of compliance for data storage in the cloud, but because the service is still very young you are expected to be very careful in terms of data storage.
Data ownership - Is your data still belongs to you so that data stored in the cloud? This question may be a little weird, but you need to know such things happened to her Facebook are trying to change its terms of use aggrement who question this.
Data Mobility - Are you able to share data between cloud services? cloud, and if you terminate your relationship how to get your data back? What format will be used? or can you ensure coffee from her data has been erased?
If the IT industry just to explore some cloud cloud technology is already well-established service and can be considered such as an e-mail service. However, for security matters, with internally developed IT infrastructure industry into a cloud model will be better.
The steps that need to be considered in applying the Cloud Computing on the IT industry are as follows:
· First step you should do is learn from the cloud service contract system. make sure every process to be simple, it can be repeated again and add value to your business.
· Second, you must identify what services you can use within the cloud and which should be internal. This is very important for you to know about the system and service cores that can be utilized by your business. and would recommend that you categorize your business based on some element of risk from the use of cloud services.
· Last step, you have to do sourcing strategy to get a very low cost, but has the scalability and flexibility for your business needs. This includes consideration of the ownership and mobility of data protection, compliance and some elements, as well as traditional IT contract.
Conclusions and recommendations
Cloud Computing (Cloud Computing) is the combined use of computer technology ('computing') based development and Internet ('cloud'). Clouds (cloud) is metefora from the internet, as the clouds that often depicted in computer network diagrams. As a cloud in computer network diagrams, clouds (cloud) in Cloud Computing is also an abstraction of a complex infrastructure that hid. He is a mode of computing in which information technology-related capabilities are presented as a service (as a service), so users can access it via the Internet ("in the cloud") without knowledge of it, an expert with it, or have control over the technology infrastructure that helped. Cloud Computing is described as a paradigm in which information is permanently stored in servers on the Internet and temporarily stored on a user's computer (client) includes desktops, tablet computers, notebooks, wall computers, handhelds, sensors, monitors and other another.
For users who want to use Cloud Computing should take into account the security of our data will be saved or if, for once we agree with Cloud Computing then we submit our data to the provider of such service providers.
Use speed internet access is sufficient, because this is very important for our data access needs.
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