Installing Wireless LANs A Practical Guide
Installation Guide Wireless LAN (WLAN), especially in the 2.4 GHz band plan by using the technology or standard WiFi 802.11 a / b / g. However, general guidelines can be used for the installation of WLAN, WiMAX and similar technologies for the transmission of data communication in other bands such as 900 plans Mhz, 2.5 Ghz, 2.7 Ghz, 3.3 Ghz, 3.5 Ghz,4.9 GHz, 5.2 GHz, 5.8 GHz and 7 GHz.
Implementation team and the installation of WLAN in addition must have the knowledge and skill must also be furnished with adequate equipment to speed up the execution of their duties.The equipment required is quite simple and not have to be expensive as long as it has a proven reputation for quality in the field.
1. Compass danpeta topography
2. Danbusur degree ruler
3. Pencils, erasers, stationery
4. GPS, altimeter, clinometer
5. Glass pantuldan binoculars
6. Radiokomunikasi (HT)
7. Orinoco PCCard, Pigtail and PCI / ISA adapter
8. Multimeter, SWR, cable tester, solder, tin, wire cutting pliers
9. Peralatanpanjat, harness, carabiner, webbing, Cows tail, pulley
10. Spanner, key rings, key english, pliers (cutting, crocodiles, clips), screwdriver sets, tie rap, insulating gel, TBA, unibell
11. Power cable roll, straight and cross UTP cable, crimping tool, RJ45 connectors
12. AP Manager software, the Orinoco Client, drivers and APUtility Planet, firmware and operating system (NT, W2K, W98 / ME, Linux, FreeBSD + utilitynya)
Survey Location
One of the most decisive factor in the implementation and installation of the WLAN is an ideal location. Several things must be considered such as the contours of the land surface (topography), the height of land / location, Line of Sight (LOS), the potential obstacel and mapping transmission stations (BTS), other (existing) surround.
1. Determine the location of the position coordinates of the station, the air distance to BTS with GPS and compass on the map
2. Perhatikandan mark the point where the potential barrier (obstructure) along the path
3. Calculate the SOM, the path and acessories loss, EIRP, freznel zone, an antenna height
4. Note the position of another station, the possibility of potential hidden station, over noise and interference test shootdan
5. Determine the ideal position of tower, elevation, length of cable and the installation of an alternative if adakesulitan
6. Plan a number of alternative methods of installation, removal and tool position
Fitting Connector
Connection point between a WLAN device, Pigtail, transmission cable and antenna connector was. In the transmission of radio signals, the connection point must be considered carefully. A good installation will improve the performance of the system, otherwise if a bad installation will result in losses such as increased signal attenuation antenuasi and not even be the cause of interference is rarely fatal to the seepage of water (rain, dew), thus resulting in short (short circuit).
1. Kabelcoaxial slash cross section, the specification is the minimum cable RG 8 9913 10 db with the calculation of losses, each 30 m
2. Not until there is excessive because the scratches are on the microwave propagation permukaankabel
3. Pasangkonektor with care and full attention to neatness problem
4. Pinujung solder connector carefully and neatly, make sure there is no short
5. Perhatikanurutan installation of pins and locks so that the cable and connector holder shifted tidakmudah
6. Cover the surface of the connector with aluminum foil to prevent leakage and interference, the position must be attached to the surface of the connector
7. Lapisikonektor with aluminum foil and seal the entire surface of the insulator konektordengan connection TBA (usually for the installation of drainage pipes or cables listrikinstalasi home)
8. Finally, cover the entire surface with rubber isolators to prevent water
9. Untukperawatan, replace all protective coating once every 6 months
10. The best connector is a model without solderandan drat hexa so slightly injuring the surface of the cable, which is installed Using crimping tool, along with protective rubber as a fuel substitute for rubber insulator
Making POE
One way to improve the performance of the WLAN transmission system is to reduce the attenuation of signal attenuation and losses due to the use of transmission wires that are too long. So there is a tendency to place the device as close as possible to the antenna WLAN.One technique widely used by the technicians is to build homes on the monkeys as close as possible to the antenna tower, as the WLAN device. This monkey house will be equipped with a blower (fan) cooling and a power cable (AC) to be withdrawn from the station below. However, the monkey house and a power cable of this kind are often a burden so that vendors provide solutions which type of outdoor WLAN devices are equipped with weather protection and power supply system through a POE (Power Over Ethernet). However, in principle, an indoor type of device which is generally cheaper, can be equipped with POE systems through modification.
1. Power overethernet needed to do the injection into the power supply Ina Box Wireless devices are mounted on a tower, POE useful to reduce power losses (losses) due to the use of cables and connectors
2. POEmenggunakan 2 pair UTP cable is not used, one pair for injection + (positive) and one pair for power injection - (negative) power, used kabelpair (pair) to avoid a decrease in power due to cable loss
3. Perhatikanbahwa most crucial problems in the manufacture of POE is how caramencegah occurrence of short, because the cable and power connector cross section was small and easily moved or are interested, tetesi with wax or gel insulating agarsetiap connection points are protected from short
4. Before the first test used all the connections with the multimeter
Antenna Installation
Some specific types antenna still must be assembled or maybe even a homebrew (homemade).In principle, what is needed is just accuracy. Assembly or manufacturing instructions are usually already available, just follow step by step. Several things are worth noting because it involves the problem of precision and neatness of the assembly. Neatness is important because it affects the stability at the time had been installed, there are parts that do not even shake apart because it affected only the blowing wind or heavy rain.
1. Place the stack method pipadengan minimum until 1st freznel altitude zone nearest obstructure terlewatiterhadap
2. Perhatikanstabilitas holder strenght pipes and wires, attach the legs to stand memanjatdan Cows tail anchor
3. Check the cables and connectors semuasambungan including lightning rod if there is
4. Antenadengan pairs neatly and correctly, point by using a compass and GPS base stations on a map according tempatkedudukan
5. Attach trim kabeldan temporary, not to heavy a burden sambungankonektor cables and disrupting movement and position of the antenna pointing
6. Perhatikandalam install cable in the tower / pipeline, that no position to bend the potensialmenjadi accumulated rain water, is designed so that rain water downward bebasjatuh
Radio Equipment Installation
Any WLAN devices have different specifications and characteristics. Only an experienced technician as well as extensive knowledge of the various products it is capable of determining what brand, type, type of device that best suits your needs and circumstances at the time of installation. WLAN devices are the main factors that determine the success of the installation.The selection of devices and some improper configuration will result in low performance obtained and the possible failure of the installation. Some devices may have certain characteristics that require special treatment, for example, is sensitive to the stability of electric power supply or a particular type of firmware upgrade to be done.
1. Install PCCard and Orinoco correctly until recognized by the OS without conflict danpastikan all drivers and utilities can work perfectly
2. OS W2K Instalasipada require the latest drivers from the web site and is in the CD utilitykopian, although the PCMCIA drivers are not required to do justrudeteksi W2K PNP is a conflict, remove it from Device Manager dirver
3. NT Instalasipada need careful allocation of the IO address, IRQ and DMA, the finest BIOS turn off all devices (COM, LPT etc.) And peripherals (sound card, mpeg, etc..) That are not needed
4. Semuaprosedur this can be completed in less than 30 minutes did not termasukinstalasi OS, more than at this time immediately execute the next procedure
5. If the installation difficulties occur continuously, for the sake of efficiency while lakukaninstalasi under OS Win98 / ME which is easier and less problem
6. Wireless type radio device Padainstalasi In A Box (Mtech, Planet, Micronetdlll.), First update the firmware and utilities
7. Then test all the existing functions (AP, Inter Building, SAI Client, SAA2, SAA Ad Hocdll.) Including bridging and IP Addressing using helical antenna, make sure all functions work well and is stable
8. Makesure device Power Over Ethernet (POE) runs perfect
Noise Testing
We need to know the level of noise at a location to see if there are still slots frequency re-use and whether it still allows the transmission quality is achieved as expected in the installation process. By knowing the noise level then we will be able to decide to carry out the installation or must coordinate with the existing operators, for example, for a variety of disposable BTS. Actual noise levels must be monitored from time to time periodically. So that if there was an increase, we can immediately find out the problems and solutions. Noise levels also describes the status of frequency capacity in these locations are still adequate or already experiencing saturation (saturated). It would be nice if history is always noise levels recorded by all operators of each period and documented its causes. So that it can become a basis of coordination between the operator, the owner of BTS and new players enter.
1. When semuatelah running normally, install all the necessary utilities and start lakukanpengujian noise / interference, use the default settings
2. Without antenaperhatikan whether there strenght signal captured from the other stations around it, if any, and achieve good (about 40% - 60%) or even more, makadipastikan stations it operates and the potential menimbulkangangguan exceeding EIRP for the stations which we are awake, consider the operator berundingdengan BTS / station such existing
3. Perhatikanberapa noise level, when you reach the level of sensitivity over the radio (which is usually around - 83 dbm, read radio specifications), for example - 100 dbmmaka at the station point of interference is high enough, stay apakahsignal strenght received can exceed the noise
4. Perhitunganstandar strenght signal is 0% - 40% poor, 40% - 60% good, 60% - 100% excellent, if the signal is received strenght 60% will tetapinoisenya reached 20%, then the condition is a poor connection (60% - 20% - 40% poor), then as far as possible the signal should reach 80% strenght
5. Poorbiasanya connection will produce a PER (packet error rate - the number of RTO daripersentasi can be seen in the continuous ping) above 3% - 7% (see dariutility Planet or Wave Rider), good ranges from 1% - 3% and 1% excellentdibawah, PER between base stationsand the client station must be balanced
6. Perhitunganyang same station can be used to pay attention to our opponents, or BTS, in principle strenght signal, noise levels, should draw untukmendapatkan PER stability of the expected connection
7. Pertimbangkanalternatif another scenario when the number of the issues above can not be overcome, say by moving the station to another place, rotate the direction of the nearest keBTS other pointing or by using three dots (repeater), etc..
Antenna assembly
Some specific types antenna still must be assembled or maybe even a homebrew (homemade).In principle, what is needed is just accuracy. Assembly or manufacturing instructions are usually already available, just follow step by step. Several things are worth noting because it involves the problem of precision and neatness of the assembly. Neatness is important because it affects the stability at the time had been installed, there are parts that do not even shake apart because it affected only the blowing wind or heavy rain.
1. Antenamicrowave parabolic grid type and loop and need to be assembled because YAGI consist of a number of components, different types of patch panels, panel directional sector maupunomni
2. Antenasesuai raft guide (manual) and construction drawings supplied
3. Kencangkansemua nuts and bolts, including connectors and particularly reflectors
4. Perhatikanbahwa microwave antenna is very sensitive to changes in focus, then look at saatperakitan best antenna reflector to focus on the horn (antenna driven), little change will result in broad focus like misalnyaperubahan gain (db) antenna
5. Some have stems tipeantena parabolic grid extender that can change the location of the horn so fokusreflektor can set the required gain
Antenna Pointing
Required high accuracy, and patience during a briefing at the antenna (pointing). Only technicians with high flying hours and has extensive experience and knowledge that can perform this job perfectly. Technicians are pointing in general has a talent in the form of a sharp instinct for determining the direction of the antenna. Tools such as compass and GPS or software RMW, only serves as a preliminary indication. The next process is more instinctive play.
1. In umumantena fitted with horizontal polarization
2. Arahkanantena in the direction shown compass and GPS, this way we consider titiktengah direction (center beam)
3. Antenadengan shear direction remains to the right or to left center beam, one at a padasetiap stage with calculation does not exceed ½ beam width specification antenauntuk each side (left or right), say 24 db antenna, usually memilikibeam width 12 degrees then, the maximum shift tothe left or kanancenter beam is 6 degrees
4. Give tandapada every change of direction and determine what the score, determining the direction terbaikdilakukan average values by looking for the best, the main parameters considered are yangharus strenght signal, noise and stability
5. Wireless radio device Karenakebanyakan In A Box does not have a signal representing the utility grafisuntuk strenght, noise etc. (except statistics and PER) will be more practical to use a pointing device 802.11byang standard radio has a graphical utility such as the Orinoco, or use the Wave Rider
6. Selanjutnyabila necessary adjust the antenna elevation in meters according sudutantena klino the station opposite, calculate the curvature of the earth based on the calculation danbandingkan the contours on the topographic map
7. When the direction of the best danelevasi estimated to have achieved it if necessary dapatdilakukan polarization reversal from a horizontal to a vertical antenna beam width untukmempersempit and increase the focus of transmission, the second condition titikmempergunakan same antenna (parabolic grid) and the second point must be the same polarisasiantena (meaning on the opposite side of the polarization antenna must also be reversed menjadivertical)
Radio Connection Tests
Measurement noise and signal levels at the time of pointing WLAN devices will only give an overview of the quality of radio transmissions only. While in data communications, it is necessary also measured the overall quality of the data packet transmission. This will determine the overall service quality to users.
1. Do pengujiansignal, similar to the noise test, it's just that at this point the antenna and cables (including POE) has been linked to a radio device
2. Sesuaikanchannel and name of the SSID (Network Name) to the identity of the BTS / AP objectives, encryption Similarly, if the MAC address authentication is used in AP harusdidefinisikan the first such station MAC Address
3. Bilamenggunakan Radius authentication, make sure the setting has been appropriate and previously the mechanism before reinstalling cobalahterlebih
4. Perhatikanbahwa most radio device is to act as a bridge and bekerjaberdasarkan introduction of the MAC Address, IP Address, so that didefinisikanberfungsi as a utility interface based on SNMP protocol only, sehinggatidak need to be incorporated into the routing table
5. Table routingdidefinisikan on (PC) router where radio equipment is installed, for WirelessIn A Box which is separate from the device (PC) router, then on device yangmenghadap to the radio device also enter an IP Address the same subnet denganIP Address that has been defined in a radio device, so that yangdipasang utility in the router can identify the radio
6. Lakukancontinuos ping to test the stability of the connection and knowing PER
7. When telahstabil and minimum strenght good signal (after deducting the noise) makalakukan test throughput by performing an FTP connection (with a FTP client software) to an FTP server near you (ideally at the server point of destination BTS), the average throughput kondisiideal will balance both when downloading and up load , the maximum throughput on the radio 1 mbps connection is around 600 kbps and the maximum MTU perTCP connection with 40 kbps can be achieved in 1500
8. Selanjutnyagunakan mass software download manager that supports TCP connection secarasimultan (concurrent), do a connection to an FTP server near you with harapanmaksimum 5 kbps throughput per TCP connection, it can be switched around 120session simultaneous (concurrent), assumption 5 x 120 = 600
9. Or dengancara a more simple, use a smaller scale, 12 per session trouhput concurrentconnection with 5 kbps, what is the total throughput bisamencapai 60 kbps (average)? if achieved, the stability of the connection should be at the maximum level dapatdijamin
In setiaptingkat loading stages, consider whether the RRT pingmeningkat, the figure approached around 100 ms was considered normal
Anticipate Interference
In the self-regulated environment is the main principle of shared access (sharing) a limited resource that is frequency. So the interference must be accepted as a necessity. However, there are still limits to the extent where the interference is acceptable and each operator and the user can try to as much as possible or as much as possible to avoid interference as well as preventing him to not cause excessive interference that can disrupt the service or other users in the unlicensed band plan.
1. Being conservative (limiting the transmit power - "do not yell") at the time of sending so it does not monopolize the channel and remain moderate at the time received (using the device with high sensitivity - "widen the hearing")
2. For any reason you should never use a power amplifier (amplifier / booster) because it will accelerate the degradation of performance, capacity-frequency (frequency re-use) so not only detrimental to all people but in the end our own will also be difficulties using the optimal frequency. Use other ways to resolve the situation without having to use the power amplifier.Amplifier / booster is not the final solution in any condition
3. Adhere to the Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 2 of 2005 which basically limit the transmit power (power output) devices and a maximum of 100 mw EIRP or overall performance (including antenna gain), a maximum of four watts (36 dbm) and only use the device that has passed the test and obtain certification official from the Directorate of Standardization DGPT
4. Connect the antenna with a maximum height in accordance with the planned coverage area through the calculation of link budget analysis. For example planned base stations will have a 3 km radius coverage area based on link budget analysis and visual simulation software known RMW maximum height is 20 m antenna with an antenna elevation angle 5 degrees. There is no point in installing the antenna is too high to reach (coverage area) that is too far exceeding demand. This fact resulted in the system will come "hear" the transmission of other operators who really do not need to "hear" and resulted in an increase of "noise" that decreases the ability of our service (performance degradation and capacity handling)
5. Noting and calculating the estimated link budget analysis of existing systems of other base stations in surrounding areas to know the coverage area and visualization of radiation transmission in order to know at what point it will happen overlap or cross section (the intersection of mutually weaken the transmission signal) to the BTS system that we have planned so that it can think about how to avoid them
6. Reduce the transmit power (EIRP total) for example by lowering the gain of the antenna to reduce the cross section and narrowing the coverage area combined with the height of the antenna set
7. Changing the default configuration DTIM, RTS / CTS, Fragmentation treshold so different from other BTS system to enhance the ability of CSMA / CA
8. Change and reduce the MTU (packet fragmentation) to enable the protocol to enlarge sharing opportunities (scheduling). But this method can reduce the throughput of the system because the number of queues. On condition that has been saturated density, can lead to degradation and even traffic jams due to the many processes of packet retransmissions. So it needs trial and error to find the best combination between DTIM, the RTC / CTS, Fragmentation threshold and MTU
9. Sharing of resources owned by another operator base stations is the most appropriate way to maintain a limited frequency capacity in order not to become saturated because of the many competing BTS. Better to maximize the utilization of a BTS that is shared rather than each service having each BTS but not used optimally
10. Willing at all times lower power and antenna height base stations, reducing the micro-cell coverage area and to optimize the density and still provide opportunities for new players to join
11. Using the band plan or different transmission media for the channel between the BTS (backhaul). For example using a band 5.x GHz or plan to use fiber optic media
12. Unlicensed band does not mean the band is not applicable plan rules. There are manners and ethics that still must be maintained. The core release of a band plan is to give flexibility to the community to regulate itself (self-regulated) the use of frequencies without the need to ask permission to remain in compliance with the Government of the origin of technical corridor (restrictions on transmit power and maximum EIRP) as well as using devices that have been officially certified
13. The implementation of the ethics of self-regulated, among others, strengthen cooperation and share resources, coordination between new and old players, respect and the prioritization of the existing infrastructure that has been more used to be in the area.
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