Russian Pilot IBM
Russian military on
Tuesday (24/12) local time successfully test launching of the inter-continental ballistic missile capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads. These weapons are prepared to replace the old missiles made in the Soviet era, such as RS-18 and RS-20.
Missiles in Western countries known as the heels of SS-19 and SS-18 Satan.
Strategic Military Forces Spokesman of Russia, Alexander Vovk told The Associated Press said the missile
RS-24 was launched from Plesetsk in northern regions of Russia. In the current test, the bullet warhead successfully towards the target at the Kura, which try to test the Kamchatka Peninsula about 4340 miles to the east.
Vovk also revealed that it took a lot of missile warheads while testing done. However, he refused to mention the amount. Meanwhile, Interfax launched the RS-24 can carry at least three warheads.
He said also,
This new missile based on the Topol-M and built by the same team from the Institute of Technology, the Moscow leadership of Yuri Solomonov. RS-24 was first successfully tested in late May. Topol-M missiles are currently carrying a single nuclear warhead and is able to target a distance of more than 6000 miles.
Vladimir Putin mamanfaatkan greatly from oil revenues to modernize Russia's military, which raises the temperature of tensions with Western countries. The Kremlin openly opposed the U.S. plan to deploy soldiers in the area of defense contained in the Poland and Czech Republic.
Peel Technology Missiles
Topol-M missiles that exist today, carrying a single nuclear warhead and is able to target a distance of more than 6000 miles. That's approximately the distance between the Kaaba dg Istiqlal mosque.
Dr. Rinto
Anugraha (Lecturer in Physics UGM), describes the distance on the surface of Earth & Distance Two Places at the surface of the Earth:
this occasion, the author will explain some aspects of distance (distance) on the surface of the earth. The author will review two things, namely the distance from the surface of the earth to the center of the earth, and the distance between two places on the earth surface. Knowledge of the distance from the surface of the earth to the center of the earth have anything to do with the transformation of coordinates to the Geocentric coordinates toposentrik. Transformation from Geocentric coordinates to toposentrik very important in calculating the positions of celestial bodies, like the moon,
sun, planets and other high precision. Meanwhile, the distance between two places will be useful, for example when we want to determine the distance between the Kaaba somewhere .... See More
We have often stated that the earth is spherical. In many ways, this phrase is true, especially to facilitate the understanding of the position of the earth. But in fact this statement is not entirely true, because the earth is more appropriately called elipsoida shaped, rather like an egg (ignoring the mountains, valleys, and so on. The model is better than elipsoida geoid, but not discussed here.). The radius of the ball is always constant at all surface balls. However, the radius of the earth, or more precisely the distance from the surface to the center of the earth is not the same in all places. The distance from the surface to the center of the earth reaches a maximum value at the equator (the equator) and minimum at the poles, although the difference between the maximum and minimum is small enough compared with the radius of the earth itself.
= 0 the same latitude to the equator (the equator) which divides the earth into two parts north and south. City of Pontianak in West Kalimantan crossed by the equator. In the northern hemisphere (north latitude), latitude is positive. Conversely in the south of the earth (latitude
south), latitude is negative. Example: 15 degrees north latitude (north latitude ... See More)
= 15 N (North) = 15 degrees. While 30 degrees latitude (south latitude) = 30 S (South) = -30 degrees. North Pole (South Pole) = 90 N = 90, while the Antarctic (South Pole) = 90 S = -90. So the entire surface of the earth's latitude between -90 to 90 degrees.
Thus, a place marked with the latitude and longitude coordinates. The coordinates of the current residence located in the author 130:25:57,11 E longitude and latitude 33:39:8,47 N. Kaaba is the Qibla prayer we have longitude coordinates 39:49:34,18 E = 39.82616111 degrees, and latitude coordinates 21:25:21,03 N = 21.42250833 degrees [1]. For the record, the latitude of Mecca which is smaller than the slope of the earth's rotation axis with the axis of the Earth Ecliptic (the value of which is currently approximately 23:26:22 degrees) allows for the sun directly above the Kaaba (Al-istiwa 'al-A' zham). This is one of the classical technique for determining the direction of Qibla, ie when the sun directly above the Kaaba. God willing, will be discussed on other occasions.
Distance of Two Places at the Earth Surface
Given two places / positions in the earth's surface. The first place has a geographical coordinates longitude and latitude L1 B1. Place both B2 and L2. The distance between the two sites could be known. There are two formulas that will be given here.
The first is a simple formula that assumes that the earth is spherical [2]. The angle between both places is d, where cos (d) = sin (L1) * sin (L2) + cos (L1) * cos (L2) * cos (B1 - B2) If the angle d in radians, then the distance second place are s of kilometers, ie s = 6378.137 * d [km] If the angle d in degrees, the distance of both places are s of kilometers, ie s = 6378.137 * pi * d/180 [km] where pi = 3.14159265359 . Keep in mind, 1 radian = 180/pi = 57.2957795 degrees .... See More
The second is a more complex formula with the assumption that the earth was shaped elipsoida [2]. This second formula will give more precise results, presented as follows. U = (L1 + L2) / 2. G = (L1 -
L2) / 2 J = (B1 - B2) / 2 F = sin (G) * sin (G) * cos (A) * cos (A) + cos (U) * cos (U) * sin (A) * sin (J) N = cos (G) * cos (G) * cos (A) * cos (A) + sin (U) * sin (U) * sin (A) * sin (J)
tan (w) = sqrt (M / N) where w in radians P = sqrt (M * N) / w D = 2 * w * a E1 =
(3 * P - 1) / (2 * N) E2 = (3 * P + 1) / (2 * F) Distance between the two places are s
= D * (1 + f * E1 * sin (U) * sin (U) * cos (G) * cos (G) - f * E2 * cos (U) * cos (U) * sin (G) * sin (G)) where a = 6378.137 km and f = 1 / 298, 25 722 = 0.0033528107.
Example: Determine the distance between the Kaaba with the Istiqlal Mosque with longitude and latitude coordinates 106:49:50,64 6:10:11,2 LS.
Answer: B1 = 39.82616111 degrees = 21.42250833 degrees B2 L1 = L2 = -6.169777778 106.8307333 degrees degrees
we use the first formula, then cos (d) = sin (L1) * sin (L2) +
cos (L1) * cos (L2) * cos (B1 - B2) cos (d) = 0.32230721 d = arccos (0.32230721)
= 1.242630573 radians distance between the Kaaba with the Istiqlal is s =
6378.137 * 1.242630573 = 7.925,668 km.
If we use the second formula, the following results are obtained. U
= 0.133105184 G = 0.24078812 radians radians radians J = M = -0.5847252
0.338846395 0.661153605 N = tan (w) = 0.715896517 w = 0.621315286 radians
P = 0.761799321 D = 7925.668033 km E1 = E2 = 4.847916358 0.972087237
The distance between the Kaaba with the Istiqlal Mosque is s = 7918.900 km =
7918 km 900 meters.
For the record, the second formula above
used for the two places are located in the earth's surface (altitude
= 0 from the surface of the sea). Of course in reality, the Kaaba and
Istiqlal Mosque have a certain altitude above sea level.
comparison to the second formula above, Vincenty [3] has reduced
formula to determine the distance between two points. The formula is more complicated
therefore not given here, but very accurate and
high up the order of millimeters. For distances over the Kaaba - Masjid
Istiqlal, Vincenty formula gives 7918 km 930 meters. Visible
that the second formula gives results closer to the formula Vincenty
the difference is only 30 meters. However, the first formula is much more
separate ranges between the Kaaba and Indonesia on the order of 6000-an (Aceh)
up to 11 000-an (Papua) km. This distance means that if the direction
mecca we deviated from the direction of a degree course that is true, then
very large deviation from the Kaaba itself. If the distance
Separate is 8000 km, then a degree of deviation toward mecca
gives the deviation from the Kaaba Qibla position for 8000 * 1 * pi/180
or about 140 km from the Kaaba. This shows the importance betapi
prayer where we pointed at the correct direction of Qibla.
Microsoft Excel and html files
Excel which contains about the distance from the surface of the earth to the center of the earth and
distance between two places by using the two formulas can be downloaded
in http://ifile.it/73t2ebo The html file that contains JavaScript Vincenty formula can be downloaded at http://ifile.it/r53q9c7 which is a modification of http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/ latlong-vincenty.html
Hopefully useful.
Dr. Rinto Anugraha (UGM Lecturer in Physics)
[1] According to Google Earth, the coordinates are the coordinates of points
middle of the Kaaba. [2] Jean Meeus: Astronomical Algorithm, Willmann-Bell,
Virginia, 1991. [3] T. Vincenty: Direct and Inverse Solutions of
Geodesics on the Ellipsoid with application of nested equations, Survey
Review, vol XXII no 176th, 1975 (http://www.ngs.noaa.gov/PUBS_LIB/inverse.pdf)
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